Monday, September 1, 2008

Top 5 : The Return (bottom 10)

These are 10 worst cd's I won. In no particular order here they are.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle soundtrack - There isn't one song on here to listen to. So why do I own it. Back in the 90's soundtracks were the big thing. So if you loved the movie you bought the soundtrack. Regardless of there being a good song on it. Now I believe Turtles 2 is a much better film but yet I don't own the cd. What gives?

The Pagemaster soundtrack - This was a promo copy sent to the old Hoyts Cine 8. I cleaned the theater to this film many times and the end credit song was by Babyface and Lisa Stansfield. I guess I thought I liked this song enough to add this cd to my personal catalog. I hope it was worth it.

Corrina Corrina soundtrack - Really, Really! I love 50's music but did I need throw down 15 bucks for this. God damn I wish itunes exsisted back in the 90's.

Supercop soundtrack - I love Jackie Chan back in the day. The best song on this cd is Tom Jones singing Kung Fu Fighting. Bye Bye 15 dollars.

WWF Superstars Wrestlemania the album - This cd was so bad that my buddy Kevin Plumeri bought it as a gag christmas gift for my other friend Howie for 50 cents from Media Play. I paid over 10.

WCW Slam Jam - Another wrestling cd of entrance music. Here are some track listings - Mr. Bang Bang, Don't Step to Ron and Steinerized. I rest my case.

Jeremy Jordan - Wow I couldn't get a gayer cd if it was called. GAY : THE CD. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Clay Aiken Measure of a Man - see above CD

Hammer The Funky Headhunter - Mc Hammer becomes a gangsta I become embarrassed.

Rhythm of the Games 1996 Olympics Album - I picked this as a prize when I worked at Media Play. I sold a DVD player when DVD players were new. So many choices and I chose this. I got it for a Boyz II Men tune. Did I mention I wished itunes was around.

There you have it. Hopefully the next top 5 will be up quicker than this one.

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