Sunday, October 12, 2008

FILM 11 (31 Days of Horror)


FILM - Shaun of the Dead

PREMISE - Shaun doesn't have a very good day, so he decides to turn his life around by getting his ex to take him back, but he times it for right in the middle of what may be a zombie apocalypse... But for him, it's an opportunity to show everyone he knows how useful he is by saving them all. All he has to do is survive... And get his ex back.

ANTAGONIST - Hundreds and hundreds of Zombies of the George Romero variety

BLOOD AND GORE - Decent amount of both. Some parts are not for the squeamish.

SCARES - A couple here or there.

REVIEW - This one of my all time favorite horror films and one of my favorite films as well. Simon Pegg and director Edgar Wright make romantic zombie comedy. That is a hard feat to pull off. Just a great cast and a great film. I am a big British guy so anything dealing with that way of life I am in like Flynn. The makers of SPACED do a nice homage to the George Romero zombie films of the 60's, 70's and 80's and make it their own. I give this film a 10 out of 10.

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