Friday, October 10, 2008

FILM 8 (31 FILMS of Horror)


FILM - The Curse of the Living Corpse

PREMISE - Rufus Sinclair dies leaving a will vowing to return from the grave and wreak terrible vengeance on his family if certain conditions surrounding his death and burial are not observed; for his long-suffering wife Abigail (Helen Waren), he predicts death by fire; eldest son Bruce (Robert Milli)is promised a violent death by disfiguration; the next son, Philip (Roy Scheider as Roy R. Scheider)is informed he will die by suffocation; and Philip's wife Vivian (Margot Hartman)will drown. Several days after the reading of the will by family attorney James Benson (Hugh Franklin), the body of Rufus vanishes from its crypt, and the chain of retribution prophesied by ol' Rufus begins.

ANTAGONIST - He looks like The Shadow. He rocks a cane with a hidden sword in its sheath.

BLOOD AND GORE - Black and White and not red all over. Though a gruesome beheading is revealed

SCARES - There was a very creepy quality to this but not many scares

REVIEW - You know this wasn't half bad for a bad sixties slasher film. This was before there were slasher films. The acting was mediocre but that is expected. I don't know what else to say but this was a pleasant surprise and a enjoyable old timey horror film. Oh, I could have done without the blundering cops. Who knew such a horror film staple existed even back then. I give this a solid 6 out of 10.

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