Wednesday, October 29, 2008

FILM 28 (31 Films of Horror) 2.0


FILM: Bad Moon

PREMISE: One man's struggle to contain the curse he hides within... and his last-ditch attempt to free himself with the love of family. But when it looks as if he is loosing his battle, and endangering all he holds most dear, the family dog, Thor, is the last hope for his family's survival... and the end to his Werewolf curse.

REVIEW: Pros's: The dog vs. werewolf aspect was neat. The werewolf creature was pretty good. The last 20 minutes were really entertaining

Con's: Michael Pare's acting. The werewolf transformation was cheesy morph technology but hey it was 1996. It took too long to get good.

I did end up enjoying this film. I am interested to read the book the movie was based on. I give this a 6 out of 10.

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